It has been one month since I started really working hard at the gym. One month since I've started lifting weights more than once a week. And I can't tell you how good I feel. When I asked J about joining the Alpha group, he offered me one day to "ease into it". I'm now doing two days a week plus a private workout that is essentially the same thing. Today he told me that he has become a believer (not to be confused with a Belieber, ha ha). He wasn't sure about me doing this. But now he believes. I have made a believer out of him! I think it's because I have found something I love to do. When you love something, it is easy to commit 110%.

My clean eating took a detour this weekend. I had pizza. Well, I've been avoiding bread, pasta, etc.. for weeks. I didn't do well eating it. So no more for me. And it's ok. I don't really miss it. The side effects were too much to want to eat it again. 

This lifestyle change has been nothing short of a miracle for me. I feel strong and confident. I'm eating healthy and starting to see the physical changes from my hard work. And I feel so good! They say that sometimes you just have to be ready, to be in the right frame of mind to make these kinds of changes. I don't want to go back. 

But I didn't quit Starbucks.