This has been a really stressful week, and when I'm stressed I eat. Not this time though. I'm confident that doing this dietbet with my mom will help me to stick to my resolve to eat healthy and continue on my weight loss journey. 

I succeeded today. I didn't give into one temptation, not one! I spend most of my day with other individuls who eat with no regard to health, calories, or consequence. That mentality is hard to be around to say the least. Today I was at Dunkin Donuts twice, (I travel with others in a volunteer work and we stop at various locations for breaks). Both times I opted for an unsweetened tea. The croissant donut called to me, and the thought of that sweet chicken salad made me tear up, but I stuck to my resolve. Money is on the line, my pride is at stake, but most importantly I'm building a better, healthier me.

From the backseat a friend offered me a piece of her cheesebread. It was oozing greasy wonder and smelled oh so delightful. I quickly snapped to my senses and declined, letting my friend know how hard I'm working to stick to my low calorie, no carb, no sugar, high protien, and vegetable laden diet. She snickered and said that she planned on working out later. Well, that works for you sweet 20-something, newlywed, with an inherited high metabolism, and energy to boot. But this girl has fluffy DNA, and the metabolism of a sloth, so please get your cheesybread out of my face.

Home is an oasis. I have zero temptation food available. My "cheat" is an 80 calorie fiber one brownie. My loving and supportive hubby eats his junk food away from the house so I don't have to see it and I'm not tempted by it. I have my meats and veggies for the week cooked, portioned, and frozen, so when I get home it's as easy as heat and eat. I know there will always be temptation, but for now, while I'm weak and susceptible to failure, I continue to be alert, prepared, mindful of what food I have with me, and what healthy choices I can make. Soon it will be a habit, I wont have to think about it anymore, and I look forward to that.