Injuries and physical limitations cramp my style!

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Katie B.

10/13/2014 2:08PM
I just did 25 minutes on a recumbent bike on level 1, which was probably more than I should have done 5 days after knee surgery. It's a hard balance because I know this is a lot for my knee, but normally I wouldn't even count this as exercise. It is so strange trying to readjust my expectations for where I am.

What have you done today?

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I do use trainerroad, and I also have a couple of sufferfest videos. I know that a lot of people watch movies or tv, but if I do that I zone out and mess up my workout. I do like the challenge of controlling my power, that seems to keep me focused - having said that, right now the power required is not hard at all. We'll see what happens as it ramps up.

Right, going for a walk to see if I can't stop this terrible burning pain.

Katie B.

I also have too much of a relationship with Coach Troy... *sigh*
The rotation is the problem, though on the trainer I can get around that by just leaving my shoe on the pedal. I will probably give it another try once my incisions heal a bit more. I had been making do with a little commuter hybrid for taking on bike paths away from cars.

I agree with you: broken bones are way less complicated than anything soft tissue or joint related! Backs are so complex and involve your whole body... that's rough!!!!

Good for you for getting out for a walk. It's still great exercise! Can you water run or elliptical to reduce the pain from impact?

Keep up the good work!