Injuries and physical limitations cramp my style!

35 members $12,941.14 won 412.1 lbs


04/24/2017 1:58PM
Does anyone still belong to this group? I see all of the blogs are old.

I had two knee surgeries within the last three years and walk around with chronic pain anywhere between 2-7 depending on the day.

I definitely need to get knee replacements, but have been putting them off, hoping to strengthen my knees, loose 10-15 lbs and hopefully be in a position where i can once again squat without excruciating pain. My daily step limit is 5,000-7,500; there have been recent days where I have exceeded 10,000 approaching 20,000... It is painful and I walk at a snail's pace. My main source of exercise is golf, albeit riding vs walking. The other day I painfully walked 18 holes and barely made it.

I love to eat and drink! I started wearing and using using the Fitbit regularly, tracking my steps and calories.

I need a better way to burn calories; what do you all do with physical limitations?

Getting old sucks!


For low impact, less-pain? Cycling. It's easier on the bones. Even a stationary bike and a book is helpful, I've found.