I'm wishing I did not put up money for this weight loss challenge...not sure what I was thinking. At the time, I felt like it was an equal feat for anyone to lose 10% of their body weight but now I realize (too late) that this "% weight loss" strategy does not even the playing field at all! The closer one gets to the baseline of what the human body should weigh, the more difficult it is to lose weight. A 400 pound person will have an easier time losing 40 lbs than a 100 lb person will losing 10 pounds and that is just a fact. I guess I"m just bitter that I did not realize this early on and now I see that I'm going to likely lose all of my money because my body simply will not shed the last three pounds I would need to win this challenge. I workout five days a week (either running 3 miles or doing 40-minute strength training videos) and eat a 1700 calorie diet and my body is just done losing weight at 127lbs. Anybody else feel this way (i.e. that this game is not fair for us)?