Men's Only Fitness Group

1 member $491.33 won 13.2 lbs


10/14/2014 7:28AM
Training and Extroversion Part 2

I originally trained with at PT once a week for 30 min. Those 30 min sessions cost $35 dollars, and I would buy 4 a month. I quickly found myself buying extras here and there because I liked it so much and was seeing great results. Now I regularly buy 8 a month and fill in with a couple extras here and there. The last couple of months I haven't been keeping up with my scheduled training (but have continued to work out), so I have something like 16 "in the bank." That'll change by the end of this month when my schedule opens up and I push for a year end fitness win. ( I said I wanted to hit 225 by year end, and now I want to hit 100 push-ups at once, too. I got me some work to do!)