Weight Watchers: Real Results!

299 members $95,757.32 won 1,411.1 lbs


05/29/2017 1:59PM
Hi all! Just found this group. I joined WW on April 26th of this year and I love it! Then I found DietBet and StepBet and figured they both could help with additional support and motivation. I am currently in a kickstarter, a transformer and a step bet. I need all the help I can get! I have over 100 lbs to lose. Lost 5% of my starting weight in the first month of WW!!! I know the rate of loss is going to slow soon or eventually and that is when it will be tougher to keep on going.
Right now I feel like all I do do is eat! I can't believe how much I can eat and still lose weight. Guess I better not get too used to that!

Jody likes this comment.


Welcome! Remember slow and steady wins the race. You got this!


I have 40 pounds to go and I still eat a lot! Don't fret about your points going down because it happens slowly and your body will get used to it.