The Five Rules of Skinny

Start each meal with a TALL Glass of water.

However you take it: with a straw, ice, cucumber slices and lemon, Aloe concentrate, or cayenne pepper. Drinking plenty of water will ensure you’re not just eating to quench your thirst. Also being properly hydrated will make you look 5 years younger!

Fill half of your plate with Veggies.

Without counting calories, sugars, etc. if you get in the habit of piling at least half of your plate with veggies, you’ll be on your way to simple slimdom. In fact, if you are really, really hungry, start your meal with a FULL bowl of veggies, then get to a second plate, half covered with veggies. In no time, you will see results.

Fill half your plate with Whole Grains and Protein- Rich Foods.( Protein- Rich Plant Food is even better, your choice)

The other part of your plate is the protein and starchy stuff- “The Good Stuff” . If you decide go with Plant foods, at least for a few meals, this will include foods like, legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc), tofu, tempeh or veggie meats rather than meats and cheeses. Choose Whole- grain starches like quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, multigrain tortilla over highly processed white carbs. Plant foods, proteins and whole grains fill you up faster and keep you full for longer. The plant based ones are lower in calories and fat higher in fiber than their meaty and cheesy counterparts, and don’t leave you feeling zonked while your body tries to tear apart and make use of the dense, greasy and sugary matter.

“What does my second plate looks like?

Very funny! The great news is that if you are choosing incredible foods like broccoli, tomatoes, beans, brown rice, a second plate consisting in half veggies, half grains and plant protein formula probably won’t hurt you one bit. BUT before serving up plat deux, sit for a few minutes, then try to be satisfied solely with additional portions of the veggies before continuing.

End Each meal with Something SWEET.

A touch of something naturally sweet- especially something bittersweet- signifies the end of a meal for the satiety center of your brain. Once that little dark chocolate hits your palate, your stomach gets the signal that it’s temporarily closed for business. Coffee (decaf especially if it’s after noon) or tea often signifies break time just as well. However, in my experience, a couple small pieces of dark chocolate enjoyed slowly is quite heavenly. Then it’s time to get back to non- food reality.

Coming up, “Sample menu”!

(source: Skinny dish)