I am NOT here to burst your bubble but I am going to let you in on a little secret...
Diets DON'T work. At least, not in the long run.
When I say that diets don't work, I am talking about the quick fixes, restricted meal plans, and just some horrible stuff I have seen out there.
We are bio-indivuduals. What works for one person, does not work for another.
Why do you think there are hundreds and thousands of diet theories and diet books? Because someone tried something, it worked for them and they put it out there for the world to see.
It is easy to pick up a meal plan or diet book and follow it step by step. But how is that teaching you about YOUR body and YOUR specific needs?
During the next 4 weeks, I want to encourage you to really find what works for you. I will give you ideas, food suggestions, tips and more to help you!
Weight-loss should not be boring. It should not be painful or miserable.
Let's create healthy habits that will give us results.
I can't wait to share this journy with you!!!!