First blog post yay!
I've done a few diebets already and to be honest, I've never put in 100% effort. I've won and lost some but I don't feel like I can say I did my best at any of them. I wanted to weigh less and I wanted to win but I didn't want to work and lose weight for real.
I have a ton of health problems and while none of them are caused by the excess weight I'm carrying, it sure hasn't helped them or my self esteem. I have a man that loves me and I can do some serious winged eyeliner but inside I'm just not happy with my overall appearance.
This past week I was really active with Halloween stuff and we went to a costume contest that my friend took a video of us in and I just couldn't believe how big I'd gotten. It was shocking, I was horrified and embarassed, I wanted to run and hide. I didn't understand how no one had told me how out of hand it had gotten but it was the last straw for me mentally.
I think it's taken me all this time to realize that there isn't an easy way to lose weight, it's going to take serious work and willpower to cut back where I need to cut back and sacrifice the things that have to go to reach my goals.
I think I'm finally ready to put in the work. I've already started just the last couple of days and while it's hard, being unhappy and ashamed of my body is harder. I want to look back in a month or two and see that I didn't waste my time and be able to thank myself for making this commitment to me.
So please, wish me luck and send all the low calorie recipes you can find!