Don't Keep Starting and Stopping
Watch the Video: Don't Keep Starting and Stopping
Do you know what I am talking about? Starting and Stopping? Most people never get to where they truly want to be becasue they do not give themselves the gift of TIME.
I was there and I know it all too well. I wanted to lose weight, I wanted it gone and I would start a diet and do it for a little while then "fall off the wagon" and stop and then start someting the next month or sign up for a new exercise class and go for a short time and then stop.
One day I said ENOUGH this is crazy, I was about 30 lbs overweight, my hormones were out of control and I was a mom of 3 small kids. PLUS I had never played any type of sport due to my brothers rare blood condition Hemophilia. But one day I happened to be grocery shoppping with my 3 kids in tow and in my uber flattering "big" dress that was covering everything I did not want people to see.
I picked up a magazine with before and after transformations in it and I was AMAZED, realize I had never seen anything like this before. I don't know what I was thinking but I DECIDED I was going to do that too!
I read everything on nutrition, joined a gym, planned out every workout and learned to prepare healthy foods, I journaled every day my workouts, nutrition and feelings. I was on a mission and do you know what? I kept going, even when I wanted to stop and give up. This time was going to be different.
This time I was NOT going to STOP and do you know what happened after about 1 month? Not so much, I felt better, I lost a few pounds but nothing to write home about, but I kept going. Exercising, journaling and PLANNING.
Another month went by and this time things were starting to change, people were asking me what I was doing. I started to get more confidence I went out and bought some "cute" exercise clothes. I was feeling better about myslef. I liked this feeling of self confidence and feeling healthy. I was going to keep going, even then I had to carpool everyone around, make dinner, clean the house, take care of sick parents, and all the other mom responsibilities. I was taking care of ME first and it felt great! I had not done that in a very long time.
Ok, now it is 3 months of commitment and dedication and do you know what? I dropped close to 20 lbs. I started to have muscles I did not even know existed and I felt AMAZING. My body was finally changing and listening to me! I finally found the missing secret it was to KEEP GOING and not start and stop, start and stop.
I have kept going and have not looked back since. Yes, of course there have been ups and downs but I still keep going and moving forward each and every day and I encourage you to do the same.
Because I know if a regular mom can do it you can too!!
Laura London