I would like to start off by saying Thank you to all our Veterans and active duty service memebers. You are greatly appreciated.
Today is day 2 of this challenge and Im trying something different that Ive never done before. Getting up extra early to work out before I go to work. I know its only day two but I feel fantastic. I have a full time job Monday through Friday and a mother of 3 beautiful girls. So when I get home my 2nd job begins. Dinner, homework, cleaning & also tending to their father (my other big kid) Ha!
Early morning exercise is great for waking the body up. It gets the blood flowing and will start your day off on the right foot. Exercise ultimately makes you feel better about yourself and keeps you on track for the day.
Now that I've had a few morning workouts, I realize I actually enjoy that quiet time alone. Everyone's asleep and there are no interuptions.
Preparing the night before is a plus. Getting my clothes, shoes, and workout video set out gives me motivation. No excuses now!!
I will continue this routine through out the weeks to come. My weekends could be different. We shall see.