A couple of days before I started my first db10 I took up running to train for a 5k race that my friend (who is considerably better in shape) and I want to participate in this thursday.

I've never been a good runner. Even though I wanted to enjoy running and I've always liked the thought of being able to comfortably run for some distance, I still had to force myself to go out there and start exercising. Now this time I really do like it (of course there are days where I don't feel like moving at all but that's just natural) and I'm actually starting to see results: The first couple of runs I'd run 3 minutes at a time and walk for a minute or two over a distance of 1 1/2 miles which is ok as a starting point I guess. It could've been a lot worse.

I knew that a period of less than three weeks to build enough strength to be able to finish a 5000m run with ease - or at all -  was going to be a demanding task.


And I have to admit that I won't master this task by thursday. Right now I can run for 3km (or 20 minutes) then I have to walk for 2 minutes or so and then I can finish running the remaining 1.something kilometers. 

Therefore I am fully aware that I will most likely finish in the very back of the field. I will most likely get passed by little frail old ladies on the way but that doesn't matter at all. I am still going to participate and I will definitely finish even if it takes me an hour! I am not going to stress myself about the fact that I did not achieve my initial goal, because right now I can run for 3km straight whereas two weeks ago I couldn't even do half that distance at once. To me that is a great improvement!

When it comes to running or quitting an unhealthy lifestyle or anything that requires longterm determination for that matter, the crucial point to success in my opinion is the right mindset. That is why I have decided to see the positive side instead of beating myself up about it. That has definitely relieved a lot of stress and now I can exercise without being preoccupied with "failures" which upon close examination are no failures at all.