Technology.... Quite a double edged sword. For whatever you need there is probably an app for it. On the down side, it can consume our lives. However I probably would not have discovered this site without it. 

Even before I joined this site I had a fitness band, the jawbone. At first I scorned the idea.  "Wearable  Technology ?"  Do I really want something tracking me like in some horrible YA dystopian novel.  It's already disconcerting when my phone knows where I am.  However, I tend to lose weight very slowly, and can use all the help I can. So when I amassed many gift cards at Christmas I sprung for one. I chose a Jawbone because I liked the look of them and had all the features I wanted. 


At at first I thought my band wound only tell me what I already knew.  First, exercise has never been a problem for me.  I would never say "I love excercise"  but more the feeling I get when I finish.  I exercise fairly consistently.  I'm also super busy. I am in early intervention and frequently travel from house to house during the day.  When my children get home I cart them from one event to another, not to mention doing at least the basic amount of housework to keep my home from being condemned.  No, movement was not my problem. Or was it?


As my jawbone would soon tell me, busy is not the same thing as active.  I was dismayed to learn that I was averaging only 3000 steps a day out of a 10000 ideal.  Even on days I ran I was only maybe 50 percent.  One particularly busy day I was at a paltry 10%.  It really made me think about my activity level.  I'm busy but driving a lot- that is not movement.  At first I wanted to throw the band down my disposal- but then I changed simple habits.  Took the stairs, chose not to participate in the contests to get the closest parking space, took multiple trips to get item  etc  I also amped up exercise.  I must say-I enjoy getting those numbers up-even had 100% days.  Will I run in place for 10 minutes at bedside if I'm only at 90?  You better believe it. 

Is it accurate? no not all the time. My band will not register pilates or weight training well, but still I have a clearer perception of my activity level. I guess I just get that visceral level of pride when I get a smiley face (must be nostalgia from kindergarten). Does this all make me a slave to my fitness band-maybe-but it helped in this round. Until goal I'm going to earn all the external validation I can.