Hi everyone. My name is Laura and I'm new to DietBet. My first challenge begins Wednesday and requires me to lose 6.2 pounds in a month. I'm daunted by the task but I know it's exactly the kick in the pants I need.


I got married on April 4 and I felt amazing on my wedding day (my profile picture is of me getting ready). I never imagined I'd let myself slip after the wedding was over because "that's just not me," but here I am. If I were to be really honest, I would admit it's been a combination of things. I got a new, stressful job a month before the wedding, my sister/best friend is preparing to move out of state, and I recently turned the big 3-0. Planning the wedding consumed my life for a year and now that the planning is done, I've let food take its place. I'm an overeater like my mom - I'm embarrassed that I can polish off a bag of chips and then reach for dessert no problem while everyone else seems to get full after a reasonable amount of food. I'm an intense exerciser, but I hide what I eat like it's my deep, dark secret. I feel very badly about myself, but I hope DietBet will give me a reason to feel proud.