Today is my first day of DietBet. I'm so happy that I happened to find this bc I've never heard of it. It sounds llike a fun way to keep you accountable. I love a friendly competition! Currently, I have what you call the apple shape-I carry most of my weight in my mid-section :( I am desperate to change this! My problem is I love to eat everything! I needed to portion control, so I joined the 21 Day Fix also. I lost about 8lbs in 3 weeks. I want to continue my journey and thought that this (DietBet) would help me to do so! My main form of exercise are playing sports. I currently play soccer twice a week, softball once a week, and hopefully ultimate frisbee (which will take the place of my volleyball league that just ended). It just shows how you can exercise all you want, but you need to also make healthy eating habits.