repost from
I'm not exactly sure what I weighed last week. I only had one day back at home between my trips to New York and then to Minnesota. I was at my parents house on Thursday morning and didn't get home until 3:30 a.m. looking for last minute pictures for a video I was putting together with my brother for my parents anniversary. Staying up late wasn't hard but, getting up an hour and a half later at 5 a.m. was a bit of a challenge.
So, I'm at 252.0 right now which is the same as my average weight for April. I think, with some of the DietBets I have coming up that I may still be able to end up with an average weight in the 240s, especially since on the first of next month I need to weigh around 239 for Round 3 of a DietBet.
Biggest thing on my mind right now is West Virginia. In about 20 hours I'll be heading out for that state and I've got plenty to do before then.
I'm on to Plan B with my Marathon Maniac (MM) pursuits since I was yanked from the Starved Rock marathon at mile 12 due to thunderstorms. Plan B is completing 3 full marathons in 90 days and the Hatfield-McCoy marathon will be #2 of 3 necessary for joining the MM's.
Lately, I've become enamoured with runs offered by a website called They help people knock out series of either 5 or 7 marathons or half marathons in 5 or 7 days, respectively. There is one 7 day series in the New England states next year - May 15-May 21 which cover the states of Main, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New York. I'm already signed up and registered for a half marathon in Fisher, Indiana on the 21st but, I won't need to run in New York anyway since I'll be checking off that state with the upcoming Brooklyn run later this year.
For now, it's been fun to plan out. It would consist of 2,818 miles of driving to knock out 91.7 miles of running in 7 days. That's the New England Series.
The month before there's a Riverboat series and I would probably only partake in the first three so I could knock out states Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi and would be from April 17th to April 19th. Currently, i'm already signed up for the GO! St Louis half on April 10th and the Country Music full marathon in Nashville, TN on April 30th and... I imagine I might add the Lincoln Presidential half mary on Saturday, April 2nd just because :)
Running 30 half marathons in 365 days in 30 different states qualifies one for the Sun level in the Half Fanatics group and that is the highest level obtainable. :)
I haven't done any planning for 30 states but doing the series and ones I'm already signed up for would give me 13 states in two months.
I currently have one night booked in West Virginia prior to the run on Saturday morning but, there is a Double Agent (HF and MM) who is the president of the local runners club as well as a fireman and I've shot an email out to him to see about maybe getting a cot to sleep on Saturday night at the firehouse in either Williamson or Belfry Kentucky.
Even the night before the marathon there is a bon fire at a local park in West Virginia until 10 p.m. as well as a pasta dinner that same evening from 5 to 7 p.m. There is a meal ticket for after the race and then a pig roast Saturday evening as well.
running short on time here but, it looks like I'll be shooting for another 240s month as my average weigh in for June then either a low 240s or upper 230s month for July.
Those full marathons are such a different kind of beast with so many physiological and mental aspects to them that it's a bit difficult for me to make super accurate predictions and isn't really a time for any new extreme weight losses to occur. I just don't have sufficient knowledge or experience to know with any high degree of confidence exactly how things will go.
After Hatfield/McCoy and God willing that I make it through that one, I am already signed up and hotels booked for my third full marathon on July 18th. A nice cool Summer's day :)