Dreams are sometimes a lot of fun. I enjoy being able to fly now and then, or living a great life stress free that can only happen in a dream. This morning though I did not like my dream. I was being rushed to the hospital because I was having severe pain in my side. I knew I was going to have to get my gallbladder removed.
Well I woke up and I had severe pain in my right upper abdomen. That alone was scary. Yesterday I had a very big cheat day... I had way too much fat content. So today I decided this was one dream I couldn't let come true. Though my side has hurt all day, the severity of the pain has decreased dramatically. I have eaten very well today and feel quite amazing.
I have to give up fatty foods. This pain is getting worse, and if I do not change surgery will be my only option. As a student. I will not have the funds to pay for that... soo I will eat clean, and train mean!