I...don't particularly enjoy dieting and exercising.  Oddly enough, I had success in the past with an attitude of resignation to it.  Ten years ago, I lost my excess weight while sighing that I couldn't kid myself anymore that one day I would wake up and magically enjoy bypassing cheesy pizza for a portion controlled plate of lean protein, whole grain, and a steamed, low-glycemic vegetable. 

I followed a strict exercise regimen that got me in a lot better shape.  But every session ended with relief.  Thank goodness, I got that OVER AND DONE WITH!  I never experienced any Runner's High. A friend told me, "You will LOVE weight-lifting."  Nope.  I didn't hate it.  I did like seeing that I was actually progressing, able to do more.  I felt that I was accomplishing...something.  And I could do more in life, like run across the parking lot to escape a sudden rain shower without gasping for air or dash up the stairs to retrieve a forgotten key without my knees buckling or get up from a squatted or seating position on the floor without bracing on a chair or handrail.  But I never felt excitement or enthusiasm for heading to the gym or a walking trail.  I often resented having to use the time instead of spending it on something I enjoyed.  The whole experince was one of having to do it. 

After I reached goal, I started "relaxing" my controlled eating, first a little, then a lot.  And I soon suffered a strain injury that set-back and then ended my exercise.  I regained my weight, first slowly, then quickly.  And now my health is starting to suffer for it. 

Darn it!

Seeeeoooo, it is martydom via diet/exercise time again.  And I came here because I really can't kid myself anymore, putting it off until tomorrow or Monday or next week or next month or when I feel better.  Hopefully, having a bet on the line will help me remember that I don't have that kind of time to cheat and start over or postpone.  And it gives me an interest to see how it all works out, to stay in it to the end.