When I weighed in for my Tranformer DietBet in November of 2014, I was at about my lowest adult weight since having children. I was happy with the way I felt and the way my body looked. Over the next 2-3 months, I was able to maintain within about 5 pounds, but come the end of March this year something happened. I don't know if I was tired of trying or just too focused on the food, but my weight began to creep up. Until today.
Today I weighed in at 163 pounds. I had big plans of forever staying below 150 after my last DietBet ended. Somehow, I forgot to tell my self-control that I shouldn't eat whatever I wanted. I had been doing T25, but had gotten to Gamma level and thought it was too hard. I quit other exercising because of a minor arm injury and Day Light Savings Time - I know, dumb excuse! And I began eating more when my mom passed away quite unexpectedly at age 66 in April.
None of those things are good reasons to let my body creep back into old habits and to drop my healthy exercise habit.
I thought that with summer the weight would come back off, but so far it hasn't I've been slowly creeping up to where I am today. And that is enough. I am ready for it to start sliding back down.
I am training for a 3k fun run/obstacle course with my daughters, son and husband. We don't all train together, but my 13 year-old and I do. It has been fun getting back into running and I know it would be even more fun if my weight were at a place where I could do more.
So here I am. Back at DietBet. I need the accountability and I need the motivation. I want to plan an anniversary getaway for my husband and I - we've been married 20 years as of June 24! I would love to have the money from this DietBet to help make it a little more fun!