This dietbet is really motivating me to get down to business!  It's weird...I always wanted to lose the weight so it the fear of losing the money? Maybe a little bit.  But mostly it's having a deadline.  I have always worked better when there's a deadline.  Before I always had more time to lose the weight, in my mind at least.  This would be my last binge, my last cheat meal and then I was getting down to business! wrong!  That never worked.  Because there was no deadline, the determination wasn't there that I had to make good choices today, right now!  The other thing that's helping is the practical step of counting calories.  I never wanted to do this but now that i'm documenting every calorie that I put into my body, it's becoming apparent that I was eating waaay too many calories on a regular basis.  I'm talking twice or three times what I should have been pretty regularly...and I considered myelf to be a pretty healthy eater!  I have also found watching health documentaries like "Hungary for Change" to be extremely motivating.  I am finally seeing change happening though and i am exstatic!  10 pounds down :)