Life happens. And I’m glad it keeps happening! At the same time, it’s difficult not to feel like the frog in frogger, dodging traffic sometimes. Or like I’m standing in front of a baseball pitching machine with no bat. Or insert your own example here.
Almost immediately after putting up my last blog post regarding how improved things have been, life crumbled. Nothing so serious that I can’t get over, but I’ll just say the fighter in me is super tired. A difficult few weeks was capped with me catching some kind of SARS from my kids and because it’s respiratory, is keeping me from the gym (I miss the gym!). Don’t worry, I still get to go to work.
I’ve noticed that my life looks a lot like my weight loss chart. Ups and downs and wins and losses. Places to celebrate…and plenty of places to learn from.
What I’ve learned this time is that sometimes, there just aren’t contingency plans. You just have to cry like Nancy Kerrigan and yell WHYYYYY MEEEEEE, realize there are times you’re powerless to life’s annoyances and move on. And sometimes, somewhere in there, you eat coconut curry and devour 8-10 chocolate covered graham crackers (that’s completely hypothetical).
But the thing is the moving on. So here I go. Step one is getting well again. Next up, the gym!