For the record, this isn't a doom and gloom post. In fact, it's the opposite! I'm excited for where this road is going to lead me. I have gained weight and lost it before, so why will this time be different? MOTIVATION!!!
A few years back, I was in a VERY unhealthy relationship. I ate my way through it. At one point, I finally had the strength and courage to leave for good. It was tough, but I was determined to come out on top. Being a single parent, in an area where I had no family, wasn't easy, but I made the best of it and tried to stay focused and positive.
That's when I decided to take control of my life back too. There was damage done, but again, I knew I would persevere. I did. It took time, but I lost all of the weight I had gained. During this time, I began dating, and I felt that if I wasn't skinny, my relationships wouldn't last. Funny thing, looking back on it, if I started to gain weight, the relationships didn't last. What does that say?
Then, I met a guy who was different. He made me laugh, our conversations flowed, we were attracted to one another, but we enjoyed ourselves when we went out to eat. This was what it was supposed to be like. It wasn't work. It was peaceful. As time went by, pounds stuck by my side. He still loved me for me. Then one day, he asked me to marry him!!