Well day one has officially fallen upon us with a shroud of excitement and jubilation. My day started off like any other. The alarm went off at 5 AM, I didn’t get out of bed until 6, but hey I got out of bed. I then readied myself work. Work was nothing exciting just a bunch of alarms and phone calls. The good part of my day was when I got my word for the weigh in. I went from being bored and tired to somewhat excited and ready to hit the gym. The question on my mind now was what to do, should I hit the mats and partake in the grueling work out of Jiu Jitsu? Do I punish myself with round after round of bag work in Muay Thai? Or do I go for the total body killer and throw some Kettlebells around? Kettlebells it was.
For those of you, who may not have ever done Kettlebells, let me tell you if you like to feel the burn and finish the workout in a puddle of your own bodily fluids this is the work out for you. Tonight was a body punishing pentathlon that started out with a 100 jumping jacks to get the blood pumping a nice stretch and then off to the races.
Our self-inflicted joy tonight started out with six minutes of clings alternating hands as much as you want in that time. As a puddle of sweat began building at my feet I was feeling good and unstoppable. Next exercise was cling and press again for six minutes alternating hands as much as you want. Then we hit the fun one, push press push this one if you are not careful will cause a concussion but helps build the puddle that is at your feet. It was at this point I began to really fill the lactic acid building it was all I could do to finish the six minute set. Now the puddle was a lake and we hit the next lift the half snatch again for six minutes switching hands as often as needed. Last but not least was the push press again for six minutes. At this point my light gray shirt was dark gray and you could ring sweat out of it. We finished strong and collapsed on the floor with smiles on our faces.
If you want a good work out that will push you to your limits find a gym in your area that has Kettlebells. Give them a shot, it sure breaks up the routine and shocks the body. What will tomorrow bring, EMBRACE THE SUCK!!!