On my third day of the challenges. My body weight is fluctuating heavily. I needed something that was going to push me into losing my weight. My goal is to get down to 160, which is 45 lbs. that I need to lose. Diet Bet is helping me to take baby steps towards my goal. by September I will be down to 195, then only 35 lbs to go.

The apps I'm using to help achieve my goal are My Fitness Pal and Plant Nanny.

Plant Nanny helps me drink the 9 glasses of water I need to drink per day by turning it into a game. Each glass of water you drink helps feed your plant, and you get to watch it grow. 

In the past I've had a difficult time measuring my calories. Now that My Fitness Pal has been around for a while they've updated the food list. I make sure to keep my foods that I'm eating simple so they are easy to log and more accurate with the calorie count.

I've lowered my caloric intake to around 1200 calories a day, also I am doing some form of exercise daily. The past two days have been walking, but today I am going to do Dance Dance Revolution for a half hour to change it up.

Next week I'm going to be moving to Ohio (from Washington state) so it'll be interesting to see how I keep up with the weight loss while dealing with a big change. 

Wish me luck!