Why not make a promise to ourselves to live our best every day?
When you think differently and speak differently to yourself your best life follows!
I believe that scratching these common, yet detrimental terms will help you live healthier and happier each day!
“I can't”
The truth is that you can. If you have told yourself that you want something, there is a way to make it happen.
Instead of saying; 'I can't', which subconsciously shuts down your confidence level and your mental willingness to try first, ask yourself 'how can I?' Asking ourselves how we can achieve something stimulates us mentally and triggers us to think openly, to find a way and to try with will. Where there is a will, there is a way after all!
The F word (no not that F word, I am talking about “FAT”)
Stop thinking it’s ok to call yourself names. Instead of picking yourself apart and shaming yourself for perceived imperfections, or traits of inadequacy, choose to love at least one thing about yourself, something that makes you unique. We are quick to join in on a conversation about things we would like to change about ourselves, but where are the conversations of the things we appreciate about ourselves, the abilities that our beautiful bodies allow us to achieve every day and the generational pass-downs that make us who we get to be? We are all uniquely beautiful every day. Having the confidence to take care of ourselves, to educate ourselves, to make smart choices and to appreciate ourselves will lead to success in all aspects of our lives.
“I wish!”
Usually used with envy attached or the assumption that someone else has achieved this ‘thing’ you are wishing for by luck. Don’t wish for anything you are not willing to work for. If you are willing to work for it, educate yourself on what it takes to achieve it. We all have the ability to make any wish a reality and to create the life that we get to live. Luck is the moment when preparation meets opportunity, so instead of spending your days wishing, invest in your days as preparation for the opportunities you will create.
“Why bother?”
Too often, we expect immediate results, reactions and responses. Our actions should not solely be done for a certain or expected outcome and quick response. Doing something with an expectation of an immediate reaction or a specific response leads us to close doors and disappointment when/if that expectation falls short. This hinders our ability to be open to the different ways that our actions can pay off. Be open to opportunities and experiences and instead of doing things for one specific expectation; work hard, do good, give back without expectations. The best payoff is seldom preceded by a dollar sign.
“Did you hear?”
Gossip - Chances are; if it is hearsay, you do not have factual proof that it’s true. Do not add to the chatter, if you have no idea. Focus on yourself and what makes you happy. Speculation on another person’s situation will not add to your situation or help you live your happiest life. Offer help if you can, empathize with the situation and empower others to live their happiest lifestyles with you. Leave the drama for television.
This is the start to a beautiful life and to every day living your healthiest lifestyle for years to come.
xoxo Holly Barker