It has definitely been an interesting road. an interesting weigh loss journey. I use to work so hard and be so fit was only 15lbs away from my goal weight....then. Idk. Idk what even happened. Can I blame having 2 jobs? Eating dinner super late at night. Grabbing fast food over making food/and packing lunches. I was happy, i was proud of me. WHAT happened? What did i do to myself?
I’m not going to use this blog to whine, i got my whining out. I know how determined i can be. I know that i can push myself to be where i want to be. I did it before.....i can do it again right? YES I can.
it’s going to be a long road , and i might not be at the weight i want to be by my wedding next year. But I’m not going to give up. There will be slip up of course no one is perfect. BUT I determined to feel good about myself again!
Post 1
I'm ready.