Never before had a quote made so much sense!
When I decided two weeks ago I needed to make changes I was tired..all...the...time! I worked and then spent my evenings on the couch. Rinsed and repeated day in and out for months. I kept saying we really need to do this or that and slowly my to do list grew and the deeper I fell into a hole.
My weight watchers coach asked my why. Why had I made the decision to go back. What was motivating me to be there and my answer was that I was tired of being tired. That life was passing me by. So here I am 2 weeks later. Ive lost 5lbs, I'm doing alot more cooking, choosing healthier options and I went back to the gym for the firat time in a year. The most amazing thing to me is that just two weeks into my journey the energy is coming back. I've been cleaning and organizing, tackling to do items and climbing my way out of the hole I fell into this year. I feels so good!
I keep repeating.....My energy is coming back! Like pinch me, I cant believe it!! Cant even describe how relieved I am to feel like a functioning person again!. My body is in motion again and there's no stopping me now!