I am at the end of the first week of my "nine week project". I think I could give myself a "B" on my progress. There were some things I did really well with and other things that I did not really do bad on but that needed to be tweaked.
Here is my progress:
1. I will carry this through to completion even though I will be tempted to stop. - Successful for this week.
2. I will eat a consistent daily calorie allowance of 1500 calories for 7 of the 9 weeks. - I have tweaked this. I have little chance of making the September 1st goal but I want to get as close as possible. For a few days I ate approximately 1300 calories. I did 1500 on a day that I was traveling and actually had a chance to eat out. Now though I think I'm changing it yet agian. I'm just too hungry at 1200 or 1300 calories. I forget where I saw this but somewhere on line I saw this equation for finding how many calories you need to lose weight: (current weight * 12 - 500). I've actually done (current weight * 12 - 750) so I lose a little more than one pound a week. This brings me to 1410. I'm going to try that this next week.
3. I will use Leslie Sansone's 30 day challenge DVD. I'm not going to do this. I just never pushed myself to do it this week. Instead I'm going to gradually move into exercising. This week I did 3 days (or I will have done once I exercise today) for 20 minutes. I'll do the same next week.
5. I will post a blog a minimum of one time a week to report my progress. I have done this twice this week so it's been successful.
6. . I will take my two daily meds as I'm supposed to. I have done this successfully.
7. I will be in bed with the lights and the Kindle off by 10:30 PM to ensure 7 1/2 to 8 hours of sleep every night. Yep, I've done this. Last night it was 11:15 but that's ok. It was a Friday night.