I should start with the fact that I have to provide food and cooking for a 15 year old vegetarian that still lives at home.  I wish I had her resolve.  But I love meat.  My 2nd daughter is a Vegan and she's a wonderful source of information since she's a registered dietician.  But I don't take all of her advice....why?  I'm a glutton.  I'm working on it.

I will not fail anymore.  That's it.  It's just a decision.  So I have to look at all the things I want, like, have failed at, figure out where I went wrong, and make a plan.


To start...  I HATE measuring food.  I HATE writing food down.  I like to take pictures of food and I love Facebook. So the closest thing I'm coming to staying accountable is taking pictures of the good food and planning for the good food.

In the past I lost weight when I stopped eating.... OMG...  in no particular order...


Soda, ice cream, candy bars, fast food, pasta, bread, cheese....and did I say CHEESE!!!! 


So that's the mistake that I will correct. 


I tried Weight watchers because supposedly I can have all of that.  BUT...  Sorry...too close to the whole weighing and measuring thing and too complicated.


What I am good at:


MY FITBIT.  I love it.  I am always in a lot of challenges.  I wish at least 1-3 challenges per week.  I won 4 once and never won all 5 in a week.  So I'm using my fitbit and my step goals and challenges.

Some how I'm going to set daily, mid weekly, WEEDAY goals, and 7 day goals.  I will assign the foods I like to these goals and only when I reach these goals do I get these foods.  Now I just have to figure out what the goals and rules are and try not to make it more complicated than Weight Watchers.  I mean what would be the point?!


The only thing I have set so far is the cheese goal.  I have to walk 25,000 steps in one day for cheese.  I won't eat it until I have reached the goal and I'm not measuring :)