Hey all! My name is JoAnn Mueller and I am a 31 year old mother of 3 wonderful children who is always up to keep me motivated. Also my loving fiance' is a great helper as well. I have signed up for this challenge and put my money in the pot as I am for sure to keep it up with paying the small fee to slit the pot with my fellow friends and family who would like to join in on the fun and get their weight loss goals in full swing as well. My personal goal is to get down to 125lbs but would be happy at 130 :). I was stuck at 165 forever but finally was able to lose a couple pounds as of last week. at 4% in 4 weeks will give me a huge jump start into getting these my goals met and then it is the goal to maintain the weight once I have made it. woo! pumped and ready for this who is with me?