While following metabolic balance your supposed to eat different foods at each meal. There is a scientific reason for this that is too long to explain here. To make sure your are getting optimal nutrients shake up your food choices.
Yesterday, I did not shake up my food choices. It is the second day that I ate the same foods for lunch and dinner. On Sunday, I ate homemade cauliflower & Zucchni soup for lunch and dinner and then yesterday I purchased carrot soup from the farmer's market lots of soup and ate it for lunch and dinner.
I wasn't necessarily craving one flavour for the whole day, I just made a big batch of vegetable soup so I had enough for two meals on Sunday and yesterday, I was busy at work and did not want to cook so freshly made soup from the farmer's market was a nice treat on a rainy day and let forget about planning what to cook.
Here is a study that talks about how you fill up faster when you focus on one main flavour. You eat less and feel satieted when a sandwich has only one filling. (Not a free study but you can read the summary.)
If you want a recipe for carrot soup, here are a few metabolic balance recipes: