The DietBet Challenge

Thanks for joining my DietBet challenge to lose 4% of your body weight in 28 days. Make sure to read through the guidelines so you know how the game works and what to do! If you have any questions please let me know. This is all done online, those who lose 4% of their initial weigh in body weight will slpit the whole pot.

DO NOT sabotage yourself by stuffing your face before the initial weigh in so that it appears you "lose weight quickly!" That will not be of benefit to you at all. This is about safe, healthy wieght loss and is intended to get you going and keep you going. DO NOT do anything crazy or drastic to get the pounds off, if you do you are risking muscle loss and cheating yourself as the weight will likely come right back on when you're off the challenge. This is a real lifestyle changing challenge...treat it as such! You are responsible for tracking, it's on the honor system, there are paramaters via the website that are in place to help prevent cheating but always remember..."Cheating brings bad karma!!!" ;)  So don't cheat in any way, shape or form!

Diet and Nutrition...Keep it simple
*Watch your portion sizes!
*Stay away from box food such as crackers, chips, packaged frozen meals etc.
*Focus on lean proteins such as eggs, egg whites, chicken, turkey, lean cuts of beef, fish, protein powder, tofu, legumes/beans, quinoa.
*Incorporate complex carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, oatmeal, brown (or white rice), whole wheat pasta (Spaghetti squash makes a great pasta alternative).
*Eat lots of fresh or frozen veggies.
*Incorporate fresh fruit and nuts in your snacks.
*Use fresh/frozen berries and ground flax in protein smoothies and/or oatmeal.
*Don't drink your calories!
*Get plenty of water throughout the day!
*I recommend taking a daily serving of fish oil. It's full of Omega 3 fats which we do not get nearly enough of. Incorporating ground flax seed in addition to the fish oil is a great way to keep Omega 3 fats in check. Keep it simple with simpler foods.

If you have any questions let me know.

Sign-up, follow the guidelines and HAVE FUN!!!!
