Morning weigh-in: 161.8

Same as yesterday - *just* under my goal weight for final weigh-in. Did well with my diet for the most part yesterday - my coffee had more stuff in it than usual, and I got really hungry late in the night, so my portion was probably bigger than it should have been for dinner. But I did keep myself from snacking too much. Today will be much more stringent. 

Got on the elliptical for an hour yesterday... but then it broke :( I'm going to have to call the manufacturer today to see if I can get it fixed, because that saddens me deeply. That being said, I'll have to do something a bit different today. I'm thinking Insanity Pure Cardio again. It was intensely challenging last time, and I think will be the perfect way to burn off some of last minute weight. 

Breakfast was a hard boiled egg, I'll be having a veggie burger and extra veggies for lunch. Larabar for snack, then I'm thinking thai stir-fry for dinner. Need to head to the grocery store today, so I'll need some extra willpower not to pick up any crap. haha. 

At any rate, final weigh-in tomorrow, kids! LET'S DO THIS.