Why is it that girl scouts sell cookies at the beginning of the year when we are all on a diet? That's the question I would like to ask the world!
Anyway... a couple boxes of Thin Mints later...
I just gave birth to my sweet baby boy two months ago. I weighed about 240 when I got pregnant, so this dietbet is in no way an effort to get back to my pre-pregnancy body. My goal is to get healthier! For the first time in my life, I am worried about my health more than the way my body looks.
I honestly do not feel "ready," but I know that I need to be if I want to end this cycle of gaining weight. That's why I joined this dietbet. I should also mention that I am currently breastfeeding, which gives me much stronger cravings than I had when I was pregnant! I didn't see that coming! I won't be doing any extreme diet, but I am considering following "The Skinny Rules" by Bob Harper. I have been eating so poorly that I know any change will help me get closer to my goal.
I am very interested in making some dietbet buddies, so if anyone sees this and would like to exchange some encouragement, I'm here! Let's do this!