Yesterday started off on the wrong foot but I had amazing support and advices here! It makes me feel really happy and less stressed. Thank you again!
So today, I would have liked it to be a perfect day after a bad start, I would have liked to start with everything ready for the day, because it is how I am.
Unfortunatly, yesterday evening I have been very sick (I will skip the details) so I coudln't do much and I have been very tired today because of that.
But today has been a great day nevertheless. I have applied the advices people gave me : my work out clothes are ready, I have prepared some food in advance with what I had (I have cut a lot of vegetables, cooked rice, eggs, made some infused water, some almond milk...), and I have planned my work outs.
I still have some things to organize, but it is actually the first time in a long time that I stay positive while facing something unexpected and that I don't ruin everything with stress, negativity or frustration, and it feels good! :)