Have you ever wanted to feel the adrenaline rush that the Hulk gets when he jumps out of a plane while taking fire with no parashoot? Well *please try to read this next section in your best “SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY MONSTER TRUCK voice* Then Try C4!!!! Its available pretty much EVERYWHERE!! You know its working when you feel the tingle of a million little lumberjacks ready to get to work! You’ll begin to feel as if you can fight a bear bare handed! Tame a lion!! When you go sit in a chair you wont need the whole thing just the EDGE because it will make you want to live your life on the EDGE!!! And so much Moooooooorrrreeee!!!!

No joke though that stuff really gets you moving. This morning the last thing I wanted to do after 5 hours and 35 minutes of sleep was get up for a spin class. So… I didn’t. Instead I woke up a little later (Hey don’t judge I still went to the gym ) and decided to work out for an hour only on the elliptical (which was light for me, I usually try to run because of the half marathon I have coming up) but Baileys throat was bothering her and I didn’t want her to overdo it.

We both drug ourselves down the stairs, I honestly thought about sitting down on the first step and taking them one at a time like a child does when they are afraid to walk but bouncing down on their bottoms is almost fun. I shook my shaker cup with half the effort as I usually do and mixed my Orange Cream C4 with the proper amount of water.

(my very quick opinion of the Orange Cream flavor is that for the first few ounces it tastes exactly as promised; toward the end I am afraid it does start to taste like a flinstone vitamin left in a baking car)


Chugging it as quickly as possible because the first few sips taste the best I started to feel the blood pumping. By the time we climbed in the car and arrived at the gym my ears were already tingling. (I’m told that the feeling of ants walking on your skin is normal and that is oxygen being pulled into your muscles giving you the feeling of working out quicker longer. I don’t necessarily believe it but no one wants to hear my conspiracy theories on fitness OR DO YOU?)


While on the elliptical I felt my second wind come quickly, quicker than normal which worried me that I would be all tuckered out by 30 minutes instead of 60. To my surprise I received a 3rd wind that made me feel as if I could run for days on end.

I know that many people have their doubts and praises of pre-workout product. I do feel that if you are educated in your decision and take more than just your buddies word for it or the man trying to sell it to you then you’ll have a good experience. I decided on C4 due to the reviews that I read about online. I hardly found a bad one and I know there are those few people who complain about everything. I had a 30 day receipt to return it and the salesmen even suggested that after my first 30 days I take a break (which is also what I read) and this made me even more confident with my purchase.

I’d love to hear if you have used any other pre-workout, your pros and cons and so forth. I love to hear opinions! I do enjoy my pre-workout since I don’t drink coffee during diets or days that I will have a lot of cardio (not because I think its unhealthy but because I have a tendency to load my coffee up with so much sugar and cream its pretty much a milkshake!) Thanks for reading!