This week was honestly so rough and I'm happy that I managed to lose 1lb at my Weight Watchers weigh in. I got a tattoo last week so I was not able to go to the gym the whole week because it was healing. I know that it was important for me to let it heal right because if I didn't it would look bad and then I would be in a bad position, but not being able to go to the gym has been killer. I am hoping to get to the gym at some point this week, but I still won't be able to do cardio until it's fully healed.

Not only was I not able to go to the gym, but I also made some not so great choices when it comes to eating. Normally I stay at home during the week and don't really do much interesting or fun things. But this week I did a lot!

It was my friend's birthday on Wednesday so we went to quizzo. I am proud that I didn't have a beer, but I did eat wings. They were good, but I think the whole time I was thinking about how I shouldn't have been eating them, so I felt guilty the whole time. I know that's probably not a healthy mindset, but I knew that I couldn't go to the gym to work off the extra points, so I felt bad about it.

Then on Thursday I went to my first hockey game with my friend and we split crab fries and cheese from Chickie's and Pete's. I also didn't have a beer there, so that was a minor win. I had fun at the game, even though our team lost, and we did lots of walking in the parking lot and around the stadium. It was a great time!

Then on Friday I had pizza with my roommate, but opted for zucchini fries instead of mozzarella sticks or cheese fries. This was probably the worst choice because we just sat on the couch and binge watched Netflix, but sometimes you just need pizza on a Friday night to relax from the week of work.

Then Saturday I went dress shopping for my sister's wedding and had dinner at Olive Garden with my mom. I love Olive Garden so much, and I haven't been there since starting Weight Watchers in September, and my mom really wanted to go there. So I knew I had to make some good choices, so instead of eating all the breadsticks and a ton of pasta, I had one breadstick and one of their "lighter Italian fare" meals which was still pretty good! We also went out for drinks after a show that we went to, and I had two vodka and club sodas, which were so so. I probably could have just drank water and been happy. We also did a ton of walking that day so it balanced out.

I did have some great non scale victories this week, which is good! I finally fit into a romper that I got six months ago, not that I will probably wear it, but it fits! I also got three new pairs of Old Navy jeans, which I previously was not able to fit in to! And with my weigh in yesterday I am only 25lbs away from my second goal of reaching ONDERLAND! This is the main thing that is keeping me pushing forward. I want to reach this before my 25th birthday (July) and I should be able to do this as long as I keep my pace that I have had over the last five months. Here's to more success!!