Bacon diet aka ketosis diet.
Yes crazy as it seems this diet has such amazing backing.. Paula you could totally do it as a vegetarian. The protien is so much lower. It would not be hard. You eat mosly fats. Like 70%. My favorite source is avocdo, egg, cheese, absolutely worship coconut oil. Cream. And yes bacon.
Marcie will be relieved I'm eating salmon tonight :) Quite possibley something green as well. I often have a salad. I call it a fat salad. I actually was eating this with my slower weight loss too. Avocado, cheese, oil and now wine vinigar. Bit of arugala spinach blend. Sprinkled with pumpkin seeds.
Today I still shopped the outer aisle. It did differ. Feeling more confident with 7 pound weight drop this first week. I grabbed whipping cream for my bultet proof coffee instead of 18%. Cheese for sure. Sausage that was gluten/ filler free. Still 2 carb hiding in there.
Checked out almond flour. Ouch expensive..... Left almond flour.
Bought 2 big bags of pork rinds chips. Yup this was the snack we grew up on. Apparently they are perfect for ketosis diet. High in salt. But Salt is supposed to be higher on this plan. It is such an opposite to everything we have been taught plan. Excited about the weight drop. Here's hoping.
Picked up ketosis strips. It's official.
I'm in ketosis woo-hoo!
Was pretty sure but it is official now:)