This is my first game, and actually, pretty much my first blog post too!  So we'll see how I do in either! 

I have spent years trying to lose weight, trying diets, fads, programs, some worked some didn't many cost time and money that I just didn't have "extra" to spend.  I finally found that my best "plan" was to just watch what I eat, log my food (it is a learing experience!) and working my butt off! 

I enjoy working out and I don't mind the logging, but I hit periods of lack of motivation, where is where I think this game, and community will come in great!

I am going to start taking progress pictures along the way too, and document this journey since it is a six month one, and I am hoping - no, PLANNING to make some major progress.

My brother is getting married nex year and I am one of his fiance's bridesmaids, and my wedding is being planned for 2016 so I have more reasons to really want to transform myself before I start all this dress shopping, and family photographs!