I've done Weight Watchers before. Lost about 35 lb last time. It was amazing. I had never been so healthy in my life. Four years later, I've gained it back, yes. But hey, it took FOUR YEARS. Not bad. Much better than those "get thin quick" schemes, where you end up gaining the weight back right away and x2!

Diet Bet is a new challenge for me, and I'm totally psyched. I had just recently gotten back on Weight Watchers. I joined for New Year's, and I've since lost about 10 lb. But, to be honest, I haven't been strictly dieting. So this is an added incentive. Most of all, this is fun. 

I'm already aware of what I need to do differently to boost my weightloss. These are the goals (and mental notes) I've set for this weekend, since that's when I'm at my weakest:

1. Chill out with the bread, will ya?

I know you like to go out with friends on the weekend, and I know you get the munchies after a few cocktails. But it's one or the other: booze or bread. You can't have both. So keep your vodka sodas, but tame the number down so you're not craving carby subs at 4AM. 

2. If you want it, go and get it. 

Stop ordering in. If you want something that bad, force yourself to go and get it. Your body should know there is a cost for penne alla vodka. Oh, and speaking of cost: Ordering food can get expensive. That being said...

3. Stock up for the weekend. 

You don't HAVE to spend $15 for lunch on a lazy Sunday, and you CAN avoid the bad cravings. Make a trip to the grocery before the weekend and stock up on all the right stuff. Plan a special weekend recipe. Get creative wiht the healthy stuff.

4. Allow yourself a cheat day--à la Weight Watchers. 

You should just be having a cheat MEAL, but fine, you can have a cheat day if you play your cards right. Scale down your cheat meals with healthier ingredients. Make penne alla vodka with wheat pasta and low fat sauce. Order a burger with wheat bread and skip the cheese. Of course, that's IF you must cheat.

These goals were set to fit my lifestyle, but feel free to take them on yourself. And if you do, let me know how it's going for you. Also, please feel free to share some of your own pointers. 

Wishing everyone luck...

Let's do this!