So today I (finally) told my coworkers I'm getting married. Or, I should say, I told my fellow managers. I'm telling my subordinates in about an hour.
I've been really (irrationally?) nervous about this for quite some time. That's part of why I put it off until 148 days before the wedding, instead of announcing it like six months ago. Part of the reason for the nerves is the age difference (I'm one of the youngest people in a Baby Boomer filled office). I do not need nor want for the women around me to go into "mom" mode about this. The other primary reason is the off-beat nature of the wedding. People ask questions expecting certain answers and it feels weird to have whole conversations where I'm just saying "No, we don't have a caterer. No, I haven't tried on dresses. No, I don't have any bridesmaids." People who are into it think it's all great, but those who are expecting just to engage in casual small talk find it disorienting.
But, as much as I'd prefer, I can't keep my private life private forever.
And since the cat's out of the bag in that regard, I'm also starting a Kickstarter! Since I fell off the wagon for most of all of April, I need to get back on track. I figure the combined social pressure of people knowing I'm getting married and starting a new Dietbet last night should help. :)
Then I brought in donuts to the managers meeting today. And ate two. Oh well.
I know that Kickstarters may be outside my comfort zone, but I have a nice month-long stretch coming up where my fiance and I don't have any major parties/obligations. And I've been wanting to do something big. I need to get back on the horse and prove to remind myself that I can do this.
So here's the game plan:
- 1600 calories or less, 6 days a week
- 1 off/reset day per week, not to exceed 2400 calories
- No caffeine after 1pm, try to be in bed by 9:45pm (aspirational, but sleep is SO important)
- Pack one extra fruit/veggie in my lunch to avoid worse snacking options
- Herbal tea handy if I'm hungry between meals
- Gym 2x per week (normal schedule), plus 2 more bonus workouts (yoga, long dog-walk, etc.)
It's only four weeks. Four short weeks and I'll hopefully be able to lose 8 lbs. That would be essentially doubling my loss so far, but in a much shorter time frame. Then (if successful) the goal would be to slow back down to a more reasonable pace.
Starting with the weekend should be good. If I can build up a good early track record now that I'm freshly signed up and motivated, it should carry me a ways!