I have always struggled with my weight. I was a very chubby kid, and my weight had fluctuated over the years. 10 years ago I lost 80 pounds and maintained that weight loss for 8 years. But over the past 2 years my weight has continued to creep back up. This morning I weighed in at my heaviest weight in 10 years. I have gained back 20 of the pounds I worked so hard to lose. Even though the scale had been creeping up the past 2 years i told myself that the weight gain was not even noticeable. ... that was until this past week. we took a beach vacation...none of my summer clothes fit. I saw a picture of myself and could not believe how much i have changed. I didnt even recognize myself....I started to make excuses for my weight gain. I blamed it on stress, injuries, hormones... but the real propblem is me. I eat when I am happy, sad, bored, tired...always find an excuse to eat. I am determined to get my eating under control. I have started using my fitness pal again to keep track of my calories. I know this will help keep me accountable.

This is my 5th diet bet. I have been "successful" each diet bet with losing the weight, but I have failed to keep any of the weight off. My starting weight each diet bet has been heavier than the time before. That trend stops today. I am not focusing on hitting a certain weigh in, but rather focusing on fueling my body with the proper foods. My huband is cheering me on and I hope others will too!