I have had some kind of day today, but I still have to say "YAY ME"!!!
To start my day off, I took 2 Biscadoyl pills @ 9am because I was prepping my body for a colonoscopy and endoscopy that was scheduled for tomorrow. Well, I got a phone call at 10am & was told that my insurance won't pay for the scopes. Well, you already know what happened: my procedures were cancelled!!! DANG!!! I thought it, but Bernie Mac said it: "NOW AIN'T THAT A B----H!!!" LOL!!! I had been waiting for 3 months to get this done!!! You would think they would have checked to see if I was approved then. Oh well.... And to top it off, I suffered with severe stomach cramps most of the morning & kept running back & forth to the bathroom because I had already taken the pills. I guess you could say I was having a SH--TY DAY!!! LOL!!! Thank GOD I got the call before I had to drink that solution and take the other 2 pills!!! I would have really been PISSED!!! LOL!!! (No disrespect to anybody for saying a couple of cuss words - just venting.)
Anyway, on a lighter note, I got on the scale this morning, and I weighed 236.2!!! WOOHOO!!! Today is only Day 3 since I started my journey again (243 pounds), and I've already lost 6.8 pounds!!! Now that's what I'm talking about!!! YAY ME!!! :-)
For lunch, I had a protein shake, and for dinner, I ate a piece of skinless chicken breast with a salad. IT WAS SOOO SOOO GOOD!!! Right now, I'm sipping on a hot cup of Oolong tea. DAY 3 IS COMPLETE, AND KITCHEN IS CLOSED!!! Hanging strong baby!!! I'll see what tomorrow brings!!! :-)