Well, last week was my trip to Firefly Music Festival and it could have been better. It wasn't horrible because I did do a lot of walking and dancing, but I also did a lot of eating and drinking and I'm not talking veggies and water... I still went to my normal Monday noon weigh in, after having continued my bad habits through Sunday night and ended up having a gain of 2.8lbs at my Weight Watchers meeting, which I was totally expecting. BUT, I didn't let that deter me from my goals! Since Monday I have been focusing on eating right, staying within my points each day, drinking tons of water, and increasing my walking every day. Since Monday I have dropped 4lbs on my home scale, so I know I will be back on track for my next weigh in on Monday.
One of my June goals was to get two 10lb ribbons. I have already gotten one, and I know realistically this is probably not going to happen because I will have to have lost 8.4lbs at my weigh in on Monday to get the second one. I am kicking myself a little bit for letting myself get so out of control at Firefly, but there's nothing I can do about it except move on and make this week a better one!
I am leaving for my birthday trip to Europe three weeks from tomorrow. I really wanted to have lost 100lbs by then, but seeing as this little setback happened, that is also probably not going to happen as I am still almost 20lbs away from that goal. I am ok with this! I am in three transformers right now that go through November, and my goal for them won't even take me to 100lbs lost, so I'm not in any rush! I would really like to meet this goal by the time I reach my one year anniversary of joining Weight Watchers, which is September 21st. I think this is so doable as long as I stick to my habits and remember everything I have learned and worked for during my vacation in July!