Hi guys this is Giusy writing.I'm going to graduate in march and this is why I'm here. I was so big and surely not confident in high school graduation day photos and I don't wanna it'll be the same with university ones.
But why bet on a website?Am I not motivated?No, I'm more than motivated.
My family is really unsupportive.I do have a part-time job and it money is used to buy me clothes and stuffs and all the kind of plus my family don't buys usually (like avocados...so expensive here in IT!) and so all the university expenses are my parent's business but they keep talking me about how an expensive daughter I am. They started criticize every choice I made till I was 18 and did a one year aupairing in Switzerland, It opened my mind to new horizon and new way of thinking and they cannot stand I don't follow their close-minded opinions anymore.
So few days ago I argued to them and told them I would have care of the whole graduation expenses on my own so now I'm trying to do my best to save the more that I can. I told them I don't want any gift they promised me and that as soon as I can I'll return all the university taxes.
They keep laughing at me when I say I can't wait to finish school and fly away from Italy where there's zero chance for youngs to create a future.
They say they can't wait for me to returne home crying.
That's why I want to give back university money. I'm grateful they cared of me till 18 years old like IT law wants every parent do. But university was my choice like an adult and if I succed like I'm totally sure I will I want to only thank my self for my good choices, like travelling and seeing the world (they have never travelled).
Ps: they even like I'm fat, like they can handle me better and take fun of me.
Pps:I'll try to write every day and talking about boys,family,friends and my life.Be welcome to visit this blog and tell me when you think I'm wrong or right or whatever you want. Thank you!