My ability to act as a morning person varies each day. I say act because I most definitely am NOT one, but sometimes I can trick myself into thinking I am.

Getting into a routine is helping me make sure I have my health in check. The first time I open my eyes in the morning, I drag my butt outta bed and into the kitchen to take my iron supplement, which cannot be taken with Caffeine, Calcium, or Grains if I want to the full effect, so I crawl back to bed and passout so when I'm ACTUALLY awake I can have my coffee.

Then, to distract myself from the fact that I am miserable and tired, I turn on the coffee pot and take a look at what chores can be done. Usually it's the dishes, laundry, sweeping...all while the coffee brews. I spend an hour or so on the computer checking Gmail, Facebook, and now DietBet, while I savor the flavor my java has to offer.

If I'm still in a zombie state, I may have 2 cups of coffee, but I try to wait 'til midday for my second caffeinated burst. I have some breakfast, which is applesauce and quinoa with cinnamon, or a vegan protein shake, or just a piece of fruit, and then it's off to the gym!

I like my cardio so I hit the machines for whichever length of time my feet will carry me to warm up, and proceed to Jamie Eason's daily workout! It's a pleasant change to not have to come up with my own workout, and follow the advice of someone who's obviously successful! It's much easier to get through that morning fog in my head.

Then, on with the day...errands, appointments, work, etc.

The most challenging part of it ALL?! My partner works two weeks out of town at a time, and is home again for the other two weeks of the month. It's easy to follow the same routine when he isn't here, and I need to remind myself that sticking to that routine is what's going to lead to my success. He understands and supports, so I needn't worry about him. But, I do tend to use his presence as an excuse to relax on my diet or exercise regime. Well, I used to... ;)

Some days, it requires every ounce of strength I have to lift my coffee mug to my mouth, but as long as I stick the my routine 90% of the time (just to have a bit of wiggle room if we head to the sticks for an impromtu camping trip), I do believe I will succeed, and I think anyone else who has the same mindset and level of determination will succeed as well :)