Life is friggin' nuts. As per my previous entries, it's probably quite apparent that like everyone else out there, I have a lot on my plate!! It's hard to focus on you when there's so much other business to focus on! But, you MUST! I can't say it enough!!!

Something my mom always used to say to me: "You can't take care of anybody else until you learn to take care of yourself." Growing up, I assumed this meant children, because I've always been baby crazy. Now, as I've gotten older, I've come to realize what it actually means. You have to MAKE the time, and TAKE the time, to make sure you are in the best possible state of health and wellness that you can possibly be! This allows me to give 100% of myself to everyone else around me without worrying constantly about the things I have pending for myself. This includes everything from eating well and exercising, to knocking off the chores on that little To Do list that never seems to go away, taking care of myself mentally and dealing with emotions, taking a nap...just doing whatever I have to keep yourself in a state of peace.

I also realize that I'm not going to be perfect. Despite how hard I try, I AM going to make mistakes, but I am excited to accept them and continue my progress! You know, instead of dwelling on them for a week and starting over every Monday! I tell ya, it's easier to keep going that to start over a hundred thousand times.

I find myself doing a strange thing the last couple of days. Instead of getting stressed out and losing my potatoes over what life has thrown my way (my brother got in a car accident today on top of EVERYTHING else...he's okay!!), I choose to focus my energy on the things that I CAN control. I've been taking the negative feelings from the things in my life that I cannot control, and turning them into a new level of productivity for the things I need to do to take care of myself! Less tears, less stress...Here's to feeling good for another day!!!