I am starting another Diet Bet but with a renewed commitment. My weight is the highest it has been in 14 years and I cannot let that continue. I am also consumed with self- hate when my weight is so high. I am a breast cancer survivor and know that one of the worst things I can do for my health is to be overweight. I have tried Overeaters Anonymous, Weightwatchers, Diet to Go, a liquid diet plan, metaboic plans, counting calories, counting fat and other restrictive programs. This time I am trying a mix of a metabolic program and healthy eating. I am very optimistic because I am also reaching out to the community here.
I have completed one Step Bet challenge and loved it. That has really helped to boost my activity level and I highly recommend it. It enabled me to average 11,000 steps a day and I even walked on the off days. I have joined a second one.
I am so tired of allowing my weight to dictate my feelings about myself and my life. I have done Diet Bets before and done well but I am approaching it differently now. I feel very optimistic.
I wish you all a very successful journey as we take this path together!
Hugs to all.