Hi- My name is Lisa, and I have always been an athlete. Somewhere along the line, I gained a bit here and there, and somehow my weight crept up to an uncomfortable number. I have always been nervous about this number and would love it if it was a lot lower. My problem that I face is the fact that I workout 6+ times a week and the scale does not move. In fact, sometimes it goes up. I feel like I have lost inches, and the scale should not matter, but the fact is if I am working my ass off 6+ times a week I would like to see some noticeable results. I also eat pretty well, but I do like to have a few drinks on the weekend and am wondering if that is the biggest factor in not being able to see weight loss results.

I am going, to be honest, and open and post everything I eat to my new Instagram account of Letslosewithlisa.  I am going to put it all out there for everyone to see. I want this to hold me accountable and to track everything I am eating as well as my journey to my goal weight. I am going to record my fitbit screenshots, workouts, and what I am eating. I hope I can share some new recipes and that I am able to reach my goal in the next few months. First things first I want to hit my goal for my new DietBet challenge :)




ps. the darn pic will not rotate correctly :(